Top 5 Reasons to Apply to the 2024 Future Legacy Conference
Applications are now open for the Future Legacy Young & Beginning Farmer Conference. Find out why the Future Legacy Conference could be a great opportunity for you and your operation.
Getting started in agriculture can be a tough job. Those from an agricultural background face many barriers to entry, and those with no history of farming face even more. Finding resources and support as a young or beginning farmer can be challenging. In response to this challenge, Farm Credit Associations of Arkansas created the Future Legacy Young & Beginning Farmer Conference.
The Future Legacy Conference is a two-day, one-night event that brings together young agriculturalists from around the state. Here are 5 reasons you should attend in 2024.
1. Networking Opportunities
After each conference, attendees report that networking is a hugely beneficial part of the conference. Without an avenue to meet other young farmers, it can be difficult to find your community and network of support. Many of the friendships and connections made at the Future Legacy Conference last long after the conference ends.

2. Free to Attend
If chosen to attend, the only cost you incur is the travel to get to the conference. What’s stopping you from applying today? We understand that money can be tight when you're starting out. We want to give every young and beginning farmer an equal chance at learning.
3. Expert Advice
During the conference, you will hear from experts who understand your unique situation. Dr. David Kohl is an economist with extensive knowledge of agriculture and trends. Not only will you walk away with a better understanding of your operation and the agriculture industry, but you’ll have a great time learning it.

4. Understand Your Operation
When you’re just getting started, you may not have clear goals for where your operation is headed. This conference will help you form a realistic plan to grow your business.
5. You Don’t Have to be a Farm Credit Member
Whether your operation is financed with Farm Credit, a commercial bank, or not financed at all, we still invite you to apply for this conference. Farm Credit is committed to the future of agriculture and understands the role young and beginning farmers play in keeping our industry thriving.

To learn more and apply, visit myaglender.com/futurelegacy.
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