2023 Director Election Results
View the results from Farm Credit of Western Arkansas' 2023 Director Election.
The Farm Credit of Western Arkansas Board is comprised of 11 directors: nine elected by customer-stockholders and two appointed Directors. Farm Credit of Western Arkansas members elected three customer-stockholder Directors to serve a four-year term beginning October 12, 2023.

Area 1: Audie R. “Renny” Chesshir of Crawford County was re-elected to the Board for a four-year term. He has served on the Farm Credit of Western Arkansas Board since 2019. Jeff D. Ray of Sebastian County was the other candidate in this race.

Area 2: Gerald W. Strobel of Logan County was elected to the Board for a four-year term. Gerald is a broiler grower and operates a cow-calf farm with hay and timber production. Robert W. Caldwell of Yell County was the other candidate in this race.

Area 3: Steve Burke of Hempstead County was re-elected to the Board for a four-year term. He has served on the Farm Credit of Western Arkansas Board since 2005. Robert Martinez of Sevier County was the other candidate in this race.
The following customer-stockholders were elected to serve a one-year term on the Nominating Committee beginning October 12, 2023:
- Area 1A: Chad E. Amos, Benton County
- Area 1B: Ronnie T. Horn, Washington County
- Area 1C: Carol A. “Ann” Russell, Sebastian County
- Area 2A: Mary “Jeana” Sing, Franklin County
- Area 2B: Casey T. Cotton, Logan County
- Area 2C: Jerry L. Hartwick, Faulkner County
- Area 3A: Andrew Tankersley, Hempstead County
- Area 3B: Danielle M. Kitchens, Howard County
- Area 3C: Suzanne L. Watkins, Hempstead County
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