2023 Director Nominations
How to nominate a qualified member for a director position.
As a financial cooperative, Farm Credit is owned by the members it serves. Members are responsible for nominating and electing fellow members to serve as Directors. Directors meet approximately ten times yearly and work closely with management to guide association strategic direction and general practices. Directors are compensated for their time and travel.
Area 1, Area 2, and Area 3 each have one director position up for election in 2023. The Nominating Committee will select director candidates to be placed on the ballot for each position up for election this year. The ballot will be mailed to voting stockholders following the Annual Meeting on August 24, 2023.

The Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for director positions up for election this year. Directors commit to a four-year term that begins once election results are final.
You’re invited to contact a current Nominating Committee member if you would like to:
- Be considered as a Director nominee or Nominating Committee nominee
- Nominate a fellow stockholder for a Director position
- Nominate a fellow stockholder for the 2024 Nominating Committee
Nominations are being accepted through May 24th. Please submit your nominations directly to the Nominating Committee by completing the form below or by contacting a Nominating Committee member directly at the phone number listed below.
Nominees must meet the following general requirements, as well as all other Farm Credit conditions:
- Be a voting stockholder, at least 18 years of age, and a bona fide farmer (person owning agricultural land or engaged in the production of agricultural products, including aquatic products under controlled conditions) and either reside or farm in the association’s 41-county western Arkansas territory.
- Must have an active loan balance and acceptable credit classification rating.
Area | Name | County | Phone Number |
Area 1 | Chad E. Amos | Benton | 479-790-7807 |
Area 1 | Ronnie T. Horn | Washington | 479-841-2616 |
Area 1 | Carol A. “Ann” Russell | Sebastian | 479-650-6011 |
Area 2 | Mary “Jeana” Sing | Franklin | 479-438-0638 |
Area 2 | Casey T. Cotton | Logan | 479-518-1362 |
Area 2 | Jerry L. Hartwick | Faulkner | 501-472-6876 |
Area 3 | Rainna K. Ghormley | Hempstead | 870-703-4382 |
Area 3 | Danielle M. Kitchens | Howard | 870-904-0843 |
Area 3 | Jacob “Jake” Hooper | Sevier | 870-584-7917 |
The Farm Credit of Western Arkansas Board is comprised of 11 members in accordance with Association bylaws.
9 - Directors elected through the member election process
2 - Outside-appointed directors (non-members selected by the Board of Directors)
Directors serve a four-year term. Association bylaws require that at least 60% of directors be elected by stockholders. FCS regulations require a minimum of two non-stockholder directors.
Update May 27, 2023: Director Nominations are now closed.
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